Eeeek A Bug! by "Cajun" David Richard   Project juggling is quite the feat. It is sometimes difficult to determine where you need to spend your time, and on what. Well, slowly but surely we are pushing these products out the door. Along with the release of Harry, we are also touting a new version of ColorSwitch Pro. This new version of CSP is 1.2.0, and it fixes a few bugs as well as adding a few new features. The details follow: •The most visible change that users of OS 8 will see is the lack of those unsightly white squares. With a little work, we were able to have ColorSwitch Pro adhere to the standards of OS 8. We have also fixed a problem with the shortcut popup menus that occurred under OS 8. •In version 1.2.0, you now have the option of removing the shortcuts from the CSP menu. If your shortcut is linked to a program or you will be using the shortcut via the preset hot key, this option is for you. Basically, if you don't need it in the CSP menu, it doesn't have to be there. •Another major addition has been added to the AudioCD module. You can now set up a program in the Apple AudioCD Player and be able to access it from the CSP menu. You can also repeat the current playlist (whether it be the normal or programmed one). These options are listed in the track popup menu in the AudioCD module. •The new module that you will find in the latest version of the ColorSwitch Pro will allow you to switch between different OT settings. This module comes in handy when you are moving around alot. The module lists all of your locations, and with a simple menu selection, you can be set up for home, office, boat, or airplane ;) •There was also a small problem with Popup Folder. Some users had problems checking and unchecking the checkboxes in the Shortcuts window. This has been worked out, and users of this program should no longer have any problems. •We have improved the access time to audio CD's. Users should find that the access to the CD's a little more spunky ;) •We have also worked on the problems with FreePPP that stemmed from international naming conventions as well as problems with crashing when there is no monitor present. This version of ColorSwitch is available from our Web site, as well as on the major online services. As always, any problems or questions can be directed to the tech support department by eMailing Until next time...